Monthly Archives: June 2019

Twenty Five Days left

City_Saunter_ReviewI have been managing the Kickstarter campaign for five days now. I think I’ve shared it on all the social media sites I have! I’ve started sending direct emails to people. I even pulled out the sign in book I had at my exhibit opening night!

Right now I have reached 45% of my goal (31 books!). I’m really excited about that, but until I have fully funded these pre-orders, I will feel I still have work to do.

I had a text conversation with someone today who mentioned he didn’t need to buy the books because he grew up in Lansing. Funny, to me, that’s the very reason someone would WANT to buy it! This also made me realize that those who are buying the books right now, are doing so on trust and generosity. They are trusting that I tell I good story. Or they are being incredibly supportive of me and this project. The image at the top of this blog is direct quotes my friends (beta readers) sent to me after they read the book. I am sharing this so you can see from their words how they felt about my stories in A City Saunter Story. Maybe you’ve also been a life-long Lansingite, but I wonder if you, like me, only know your Lansing. Do you know my Lansing? Do you know your neighbor’s Lansing? It’s interesting how you can get something more out of an event, person, or place, by hearing a new story about it. Have you ever loved something more because you learned a little something personal about it? I would think that this story is like that. I hope that it’s like that.

The Kickstarter Pre-Order campaign will continue through July 6.

To all who have ordered already, thank you! Sincerely, thank you! For those who may have additional questions, don’t be shy. You know I like to talk! Let me know what your thoughts are, and I will do my best to answer them for you.

Thank you!



This book has been in the works for over two years! In 2013, as I was finishing my walking project, being asked what I was going to do next was asked often. Usually the next line was, “Are you going … Continue reading

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