Monthly Archives: September 2019

City Saunter Books

Sometime around noon tomorrow, I should be getting 5 cases with 100 of my memoir books in it. My book. Your books. I am so thankful to all the people who trusted me and pre-paid for their chance to be the first owners of The City Saunter Story. As nervous as I am about having people read it ⁠— finally, I am also super pumped to hear what other people think! The photo/blog book will be here sometime next week and I get to have the excitement all over again! Then I get to start booking signings, talks, presentations, and one City Saunter with someone who chose that as their campaign pledge! If anyone is interested in having me come in for a talk, I would love to work out the details with you. If you have a place of business or a group that meets someplace, and you’d like to host a book signing, let me know about that too!

If you didn’t get your book, you can still order through me. Here is the link for that: I WANT A BOOK!

Thank you!